Thursday, June 30, 2005


I thought they fixed this.

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I guess not.

Howard Beach 'bias' attack

Bat-wielding thug clubs black man

A black man was clubbed with a baseball bat in Howard Beach early yesterday by white attackers, fracturing his skull in what authorities called a hate crime, police said.

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"This is what you get if you want to rob white boys, n----r!" one of the attackers spewed as Glenn Moore, 22, lay bleeding, the victim's friends told cops, law enforcement sources said.
Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly held a news conference at the 106th Precinct stationhouse in Queens last night after a suspected attacker was arrested.

The brutal beating came nearly 20 years after a black construction worker, Michael Griffith, was run down by a car in the same neighborhood when thugs chased him into traffic - a crime that turned Howard Beach into a byword for racial tensions in New York.

"We will have no tolerance whatsoever for hate crimes against any groups in this city," declared Bloomberg, who said it appeared the attack was "racially motivated."

"We have come a long ways in New York and we are not going to let one incident divide this city," he added.

Bloomberg called the attack "ugly" but "isolated," noting that no other hate crimes had been committed in Howard Beach in the past two years.

Moore, who was taken to Jamaica Hospital in serious condition with a fractured skull, was recovering last night, his mother told the Daily News.

"It doesn't make any sense that something like this continues to happen," the distraught mother, Chandra Eison, said.

"We bleed the same blood. To be attacked for just walking in the neighborhood? ... How can you do that to somebody?"

After initially refusing to cooperate with cops, his two friends admitted they had been in the area to steal a luxury car. But they insisted Moore wasn't in on the plan, police said.

Nicholas Minucci, 19, who was arrested in the brutal attack, also apparently had no idea what Moore's pals had been up to, the sources said.

In a videotaped confession, Minucci told cops he attacked Moore because he believed Moore and his pals had "eyed" a $3,000 chain Minucci had been wearing days earlier at a Cross Bay Blvd. hangout, sources said. But investigators doubted that account, sources said.

Minucci - who was on probation for stabbing a teen in 2002 - told cops he repeatedly hit Moore with a metal bat at 3:30 a.m., but claimed Moore fractured his skull when he tripped while fleeing, the sources said.

Minucci's accomplice ripped Moore's Air Jordan sneakers off his feet during the assault on 79th St. near 159th Ave., the sources said.

Sometime earlier, Moore's friends had allegedly attempted to steal a Chrysler 300 parked outside a house in nearby Lindenwood, police said.

One of the friends told cops they had been promised $6,000 if they swiped the car, but said the threesome took off after a light inside a house came on, the sources said.

As Moore and his friends walked into Howard Beach, a Cadillac Escalade drove up beside them, police said.

Moore and his pals "posted up" - meaning they pretended to be waiting for a bus - and then exchanged "hard stares" with the sport-utility vehicle driver, Kelly said.

The black SUV drove off but returned 15 minutes later, this time with three men inside, and one of them yelled, "Yo! What are you n-----s doing here?" the sources said.

Minucci, known in the neighborhood as Fat Nick, allegedly jumped out with a metal bat. Moore's friends ran off and hid in a marsh near St. Helen's Catholic Church, but he slipped, the sources said.

Minucci allegedly hit Moore with the bat, while another attacker tore an earring out of his ear and stole his sneakers and his bag, which held a pair of shoes and clothes for his 6-month-old daughter, the sources said.

Moore managed to use his cell phone to call his friends, who returned and alerted cops, the sources said.The friends - Richard Pope, 25, and Richard Walker, 20, both of Brooklyn - eventually agreed to help cops, the sources said.

Driving along the Lindenwood and Howard Beach border with NYPD Capt. Michael Osgood, Pope spotted the Escalade. Cops pulled the SUV over, finding a bat, Moore's sneakers and the bag with his baby's clothes, sources said.

Minucci was driving the car, police said. He was charged with first-degree assault as a hate crime, and faces up to 25 years in prison, if convicted.

Police identified one alleged accomplice as Anthony Ench of Howard Beach. Cops were also looking for a third white man, identified only as Frankie.

Although Moore has a past arrest for car theft, his mother insisted he carried a hammer and other tools with him because he planned to hang his Air Jordans on his wall as a decoration.
She said her son, who is unemployed, had served a year in the Army and was on disability.
The beating stunned many in the close-knit Queens neighborhood, which the late mob boss John Gotti called home.

"It wasn't a racial incident," insisted Minucci's cousin Nicholas Bonina, 23. "We have black neighbors. It's not like that anymore."


A crime of hateCops say 3 white men set upon black man after victim and two friends had been looking to steal a car.,0,5761582.story?page=1&coll=nyc-nynews-print

Sunday, June 19, 2005

So Now What??

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Earlier this year, Wachovia contracted with The History Factory, a leading historical research firm, to conduct research on the predecessor institutions that, over many years, formed our company.

The resulting research revealed that two of our predecessor institutions, the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company and the Bank of Charleston, owned slaves.
Due to incomplete records, we cannot determine precisely how many slaves either the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company or the Bank of Charleston owned.

Through specific transactional records, researchers determined that the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company owned at least 162 slaves, and the Bank of Charleston accepted at least 529 slaves as collateral on mortgaged properties or loans, and acquired an undetermined number of these individuals when customers defaulted on their loans.

We are deeply saddened by these findings. We apologize to all Americans, and especially to African-Americans and people of African descent.

While we can in no way atone for the past, we can learn from it, and we can continue to promote a better understanding of the African-American story, including the unique struggles, triumphs and contributions of African-Americans, and their important role in America’s past and present.

In this vein, Wachovia plans to partner with community organizations that are experts in furthering awareness and education of African-American history. Our aspiration is to preserve the African-American story and ensure that this important piece of our country’s history is incorporated in educational forums. This is a natural fit with our company’s strong focus on diversity, education and communities.,,877,00.html?DCMP=ILL-2433&ATTINFO=7759-personal1

Wachovia can do more To atone for profit on slavery, invest in future of race that was wronged
Posted on Mon, Jun. 13, 2005
As an African American devoted to increasing access to capital and credit to underserved communities of color, I want to respond to Wachovia's announcement regarding the role of its predecessor banks in slavery.

Wachovia conducted an exhaustive and sobering study of its history. Wachovia not only looked at its predecessor institutions that owned slaves, but also at those institutions that profited indirectly from slavery. We must not forget that America, North and South, profited and prospered directly or indirectly from slavery. According to its press release, two banks acquired by Wachovia the Bank of Charleston and the Georgia Railroad and Banking Co., directly owned slaves. A third bank, the Bank of North America (PA), was capitalized by slave traders and human traffickers.

According to the study, 529 slaves were held as collateral on 24 mortgage loans held by the Bank of Charleston. The study lists some of them by name. Julia, Mary and Sam were sold for $45. Celia, Maria, Susan and Eliza sold for $1,000. "Certain Negroes in Texas known as Lavinia and her family" were used to secure a mortgage on a plantation on Hilton Head Island.

The record shows that at least four slaves died during the construction of the railroad between Augusta and Atlanta. But don't fret for Georgia Railroad and Banking Co., "inasmuch as the negroes have increased in value as they were owned by the company, the value of the four that have died should not be carried to profit & loss."

Shaking down Wachovia
June 15, 2005
The slavery-reparations crowd is serious about raiding corporate America. That's the lesson to draw from what's happening to Wachovia Corp., the nation's fourth-largest bank, which says that predecessors to two companies it acquired in 1991 and 2001 once traded in slaves. It doesn't take a historian to see that Wachovia is being mau-maued.

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Africa And Aboriginal Tuesdays: JP Morgan's Apology, Research And Response For Its Historical Ties To Slavery
Recently, JPMorgan Chase completed extensive research examining our company's history for any links to slavery to meet a commitment to the city of Chicago. Today, we are reporting that this research found that between 1831 and 1865 two of our predecessor banks - Citizens Bank and Canal Bank in Louisiana - accepted approximately 13,000 enslaved individuals as collateral on loans and took ownership of approximately 1,250 of them when the plantation owners defaulted on the loans.

We all know slavery existed in our country, but it is quite different to see how our history and the institution of slavery were intertwined. Slavery was tragically ingrained in American society, but that is no excuse.

We apologize to the American public, and particularly to African-Americans, for the role that Citizens Bank and Canal Bank played during that period.

Although we cannot change the past, we are committed to learning from and emerging stronger because of it. Since these events took place in Louisiana, we are establishing a $5 million college scholarship program for students living in Louisiana.

The slavery shakedown
By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist June 9, 2005

AS SOON as he learned the ugly truth, the chairman of financial-services giant Wachovia Corp. issued a remorseful nostra culpa. ''We are deeply saddened by these findings," Ken Thompson said last week. ''I apologize to all Americans, and especially to African-Americans." Wachovia acknowledged that it ''cannot change the past or atone for the harm that was done." But it promised to make amends by subsidizing the work of organizations involved in ''furthering awareness and education of African-American history."

America long ago paid the price for slavery: a horrific Civil War that killed 620,000 soldiers, more than half of them from the North. It is as vile to insist that white Americans today owe a debt for slavery as it would be to insist that black Americans owe a debt for freedom. What the reparations extremists are demanding would make a mockery of historical truth and inflame racial strife. Their cynicism is toxic, and corporate America had better find the courage to say so.
Jeff Jacoby's e-mail address is

Worrill: Firms’ Apologies a Result of Pressure by Reparations Activists
Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2005By: Michael H. Cottman
A prominent leader of the reparations movement for black Americans contends that some of the nation’s major banks are now offering apologies for their association with slavery because of persistent pressure by civil rights activists.

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Fair lending is Goode's 'reparations' goal

Last week, City Councilman Wilson Goode Jr. introduced a bill that in one fell swoop pulled together a volatile mixture of banks that hold city deposits, their past profits from slavery and future reparations.

But when he's talking reparations, it's not exactly for the sins of an evil institution that led to a bloody Civil War. Rather, Goode wants to change current bank practices that starve small minority business and consumers of capital.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Thursday, June 16, 2005

What Would You Do and How Would You Feel?

If this were your daughter, sister, aunt, mother...........

The Aug. 6, 2004 incident began as a normal traffic stop but took an ominous turn when the driver refused to get out of her SUV. It ended with a Boynton Beach Police officer hitting the 22-year-old woman twice with his Taser during her arrest.

This video made me scream.
Brace yourself to experience outrage and fear.

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Remember the name McNevin from the Boynton Beach P.D.

While amerikkka agonizes over a blonde haired 'damsel' a blonde haired cop brutalizes one of our daughters.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Barakabaho - Let Them Live!.....Hutu and Tutsi are the Same People.

It's the end of the school year and grades have been in for a couple of weeks now. I am taking this opportunity to provide my students a more realistic and relevant education. I brought a dvd player and movies from my private collection to pass the hot days in my steamy classroom. One of the movies I brought was Hotel Rwanda. As my class watched one of my students asked..."Why are Afrikans doing this to other Afrikans?....This post is dedicated to Hason L., an insightful young man who's question made me hopeful.

The fighting between Tutsis and Hutus in central Africa has been going on for decades, ever since Belgium lost control of the area in the 1950s.

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Although a series of brutal conflicts have been waged between Hutus and Tutsis, including the genocidal war in Rwanda, distinctions between the two groups are less than clear.

In the troubled heart of Africa, there are a number of factors feeding the multiple crises in Rwanda, Zaire and Burundi, where millions have been killed or turned into refugees. Charlayne Hunter-Gault reports on ethnic conflict in Rwanda and Burundi.

PROFESSOR GEORGE NZONGOLA: In Rwanda, the Tutsi and the Hutu are the same people. They are all people--large grouping or communities which go from seven regions of Cameroon to Uganda--all the way to South Africa, in the same culture. People used to be Tutsi or Hutu, depending on the proximity to the king. If you were close to the king, you owned wealth, you owned a lot of cattle, you are a Tutsi. If you are far away from the king, you are a cultivator, you don't own much cattle, you are a Hutu. And with that, an individual could be a Tutsi or Hutu.

A Brief History 1400-1996

Once, Hutus and Tutsis lived in harmony in Central Africa. About 600 years ago, Tutsis, a tall, warrior people, moved south from Ethiopia and invaded the homeland of the Hutus. Though much smaller in number, they conquered the Hutus, who agreed to raise crops for them in return for protection.

Even in the colonial era -- when Belgium ruled the area, after taking it from Germany in 1916 -- the two groups lived as one, speaking the same language, intermarrying, and obeying a nearly godlike Tutsi king.

Independence changed everything. The monarchy was dissolved and Belgian troops withdrawn -- a power vacuum both Tutsis and Hutus fought to fill. Two new countries emerged in 1962 -- Rwanda, dominated by the Hutus, and Burundi by the Tutsis -- and the ethnic fighting flared on and off in the following decades.

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It exploded in 1994 with the civil war in Rwanda in which hundreds of thousands of Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed. Tutsi rebels won control, which sent a million Hutus, fearful of revenge, into Zaire and Tanzania.

In Burundi, the Tutsis yielded power after a Hutu won the country's first democratic election in 1993. He was killed in an attempted coup four months later, and his successor in a suspicious plane crash in 1994, in which the Hutu leader of Rwanda was also killed.

A TimeLine
1926 : Belgians decide that the population of Rwanda should be classified as either Tutsi or Hutu.
1950s: The reduced status of the Hutus under the Belgian supported Tutsi monarchy creates a Hutu resistance movement.
1959: The Hutu-Tutsi divide widens as ethnic politics intensify. Belgium dispatches paratroopers to rescue the Tutsi power structure. Clashes between Hutus and Tutsis commence in the north and quickly spread throughout Rwanda. An estimated 10,000 Tutsis are killed, with perhaps 200,000 more fleeing the country.
January-October 1961 : Hutu-led political forces proclaim a Republic and abolish the Tutsi monarchy. A new constitution is drafted. The first Tutsi exile guerrilla group is formed. Tutsi exiles operate from sanctuaries in Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zaire.
July 1, 1962 : Rwanda gains independence from Belgium.
1963: Tutsi exile guerrillas invade Rwandan territory in three waves on November 25, December 20, and December 27.
1964: Rampaging Hutus, in response to Tutsi rebel incursions, kill 5,000 to 14,000 Tutsis and drive another 200,000 (out of a total of 600,000 Tutsis in the country) into exile in Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zaire.
July 1973 : Major General Juvenal Habyarimana (a Hutu) leads A bloodless military coup and proclaims himself President. Portions of the 1962 constitution are suspended, the legislature is dissolved, and a more centralized administration is created.
1979: The Rwandan Patriotic Front is founded by Tutsi exiles in Uganda.
October-November 1990 : The Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) invades Rwanda from its bases in Uganda. Government forces repulse the RPF invasion. There are reports that the government has arrested Tutsi businessmen, teachers, and priests as collaborators with the rebels. The government labels resident Tutsis with no connection to the RPF as rebel "accomplices." In fact, many Tutsis initially support the government against the RPF, but the regime decisively rebuffs them.
June 1991 : Habyarimana signs a new Constitution which provides for multi-party politics, the creation of a prime ministership, a limited Presidential term (a candidate could seek a maximum of two terms of five years each), and separate executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government.
1991-1992: The RPF conducts repeated, small-scale incursions into Rwanda. A cease-fire is negotiated in July 1992.
1992: Habyarimana maneuvers to split two key opposition parties (one of which was composed of both Hutus and Tutsis), thus polarizing the political situation and promoting tribalism. August 1992 : The regime and RPF rebels agree on sweeping political reforms and the formation of an interim government that will include substantial RPF representation.
1993: Habyarimana's regime begins to train militia cadres political movement and the Committee for the Defense of the Republic (CDR), a Hutu extremist organization opposed to accommodation with the Tutsi rebels. Deployed throughout the Rwanda, the militias commit massacres at the behest of both local Hutu officials and central Hutu authorities.
March 1993 : Habyarimana denies that any massacres have taken place since he took office. Habyarimana blames violence on the insurgency exclusively, and denied ethnicity was a factor in Rwanda's problems. Ethnic problems will end when the war ends, the President says.
August 1993 : At Arusha in Tanzania, a new comprehensive accord is concluded between Habyarimana and the RPF. A coalition government is promised, featuring a Hutu Prime Minister, and a 21-member cabinet with five Tutsis. The military forces and RPF troops are to merge, creating a new Rwandan army.
April 1994 : Military clashes occur in the Rwandan capital of Kigali between RPF elements and the Rwandan military. Presidents Habyarimana of Rwanda and Ntaryamira of Burundi (both Hutus) are killed when their plane is shot down by a missile over Kigali, Rwanda. The Presidential Guard in Kigali and army and militia elements in other parts of Rwanda attack Tutsis and Hutus who are believed to be political opponents of the regime. With the targeting of moderate Hutus for extermination, the RPF for the first time is able to recruit appreciable numbers of Hutus into its ranks.
June 1994 : France dispatches 2,500 troops to Rwanda to establish a "safety zone" where Hutus can take refuge from the RPF. Hutu radio broadcasts exhort Hutus within French safe-haven zone to flee before advancing RPF forces, causing 250,000 to go into exile in Zaire.
July 1994 : The victorious Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) forms a government committed to the principals enunciated in the Arusha Accord signed in August 1993: societal reconciliation, national unity, and access to political power for all ethnic groups.
Mid-1994: Due to civil war and genocide, Rwandan society is in a state of complete collapse. At least 500,000 people killed between April and July, approximately two million refugees abroad and one million internally displaced people, the cessation of business and agricultural activities, the death or flight of the educated and talented, and the breakdown of routine government activity including legal, educational, and health operations.
April 1995 : Hutus of the former Rwandan army in exile in Zaire stage cross-border raids into Rwanda.

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We must put an end to the perceived differences existing among Afrikan people; that are initiated, influenced, encouraged and instigated by the common enemy of all Afrikan people.

The Slavery Shakedown ????

Let me first ask if a 'slavery shakedown' is a kin to a 'holocaust heist' or, better yet, a 'holocaust hoax'?

The slavery shakedown
By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist June 9, 2005

AS SOON as he learned the ugly truth, the chairman of financial-services giant Wachovia Corp. issued a remorseful nostra culpa. ''We are deeply saddened by these findings," Ken Thompson said last week. ''I apologize to all Americans, and especially to African-Americans." Wachovia acknowledged that it ''cannot change the past or atone for the harm that was done." But it promised to make amends by subsidizing the work of organizations involved in ''furthering awareness and education of African-American history."

Clearly Wachovia committed some shameful racial crime. What could it have been? Did the nation's fourth-largest bank holding company rob its black depositors of their savings? Charge exorbitant interest rates on loans to black customers? Segregate its branches?

Worse: It owned slaves.

Well, not exactly. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in 1865, and Wachovia wasn't founded until 1879. The slaves for which Thompson was so apologetic were owned decades before the Civil War, when slavery was still lawful throughout the South. They were owned not by Wachovia but by the Bank of Charleston and the Georgia Railroad and Banking Co. -- two of the approximately 400 financial institutions dating back to 1781 that over the centuries merged with or were acquired by other institutions that eventually became part of the conglomerate known today as Wachovia.

In other words, Thompson's apology was for something Wachovia didn't do, in an era when it didn't exist, under laws it didn't break. And as an act of contrition for this wrong it never committed, it can now expect to pay millions of dollars to activists for a wrong they never suffered.

What is going on here?

Underlying Wachovia's conduct is a Chicago ordinance passed in 2002, which requires every company doing business with the city to investigate and disclose any historical ties it may have had to slavery. (Detroit, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia have enacted similar ordinances.) Wachovia was obliged to compile such a report because it is involved in a project with Chicago's Housing Authority.

Ordinances like Chicago's are the cutting edge of the slavery-reparations movement, which insists that black Americans today are owed billions of dollars in compensation for the slavery of centuries past. ''It will help demonstrate how much of the nation's wealth was created by the sweat and blood of slavery," Chicago's Mayor Richard Daley said when the ordinance was adopted. ''We're paying everybody around the world. Why can't we pay our own citizens?"
For a host of reasons, reparations are a terrible idea -- unjust, illogical, and dangerous. Living white Americans bear no culpability for slavery, and living black Americans never suffered from it. It would be unthinkable to make individuals responsible for the wrongdoing of their distant ancestors, or to require them to enrich the great-great-great grandchildren of the victims. The overwhelming majority of nonblack Americans have no family connection to slavery in any case -- most of us are descended from the millions of immigrants who came to this country after the Civil War.

But reparations advocates aren't interested in abstract arguments about justice and history; they are interested in extracting money from deep-pocketed corporations. Forcing firms to unearth ancient connections to slavery is one means to that end. Filing embarrassing lawsuits -- and then inviting settlement offers -- is another.

''Forcing Wachovia to ransack old records for links to slavery is nothing but a prelude to a shakedown," warns Peter Flaherty, president of the National Legal and Policy Center, which has published a detailed critique of the reparations campaign. ''By trying to appease these hustlers, Wachovia only encourages greater demands."

If Thompson thought he would put the slavery issue to rest by apologizing abjectly and promising to put even more money into ''diversity" and ''organizations that support African-Americans," he was mistaken. No sooner had he issued his statement than it was dismissed as insufficient. ''Wachovia can and must do more," declared the head of one advocacy group in the Raleigh News & Observer. ''It . . . must reinvest in the communities and the people who have been wronged." Harvard law professor Charles Ogletree, a key reparations strategist, warned Wachovia that if it doesn't ''provide comfort to the descendants of slaves," this issue ''will haunt them for a long time."

America long ago paid the price for slavery: a horrific Civil War that killed 620,000 soldiers, more than half of them from the North. It is as vile to insist that white Americans today owe a debt for slavery as it would be to insist that black Americans owe a debt for freedom. What the reparations extremists are demanding would make a mockery of historical truth and inflame racial strife. Their cynicism is toxic, and corporate America had better find the courage to say so.

What we as Afrikans better do is find the COURAGE to confront the Jacobys of the world. I suspect Jeff Jacoby is a racist and a jew who, more than likely, had no problems accepting Germany's perceived obligation to so-called holocaust survivors.


I ask that we email massa jeff and let him know what we 'think' of his racist thinking. Remember this face. It is one of the faces of our very dangerous enemy.
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Jeff Jacoby's e-mail address is


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Commentary: Since Felt’s Coming Clean, He Should Dime Out the Culprits of COINTELPRO
Date: Thursday, June 09, 2005By: Gregory Kane,

Felt was in the FBI during that anti-Panther war, which was only part of the larger COINTELPRO operation. You can bet Felt either supervised, signed off on, knew of or participated in acts every bit as criminal as Nixon’s. The tactics were so vile and the trampling of civil liberties so great that Felt and his FBI cohorts still living could write a book called “How We Pimp-Slapped the Bill of Rights Back into the 4th Century, B.C.”

While FBI agents were sending out letters to members of both the BPP and the US organization to foment hatred between the two groups, Felt was spewing nonsense like “most racial disturbances” in black America were the work of “semi-professional hate-mongers and rabble rousers who…teach the ghetto’s receptive elements doctrines of hate.”

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It didn’t stop there. The FBI tried to “snitch jacket” several Panthers and Pan Africanist Kwame Ture, then known as Stokely Carmichael. “Snitch jacketing” is falsely labeling someone as an informant. The consequences could be deadly.

In his book “Racial Matters: The FBI’s Secret File On Black America, 1960-1972,” author Kenneth O’Reilly wrote that a “COINTELPRO supervisor admitted that the practice of labeling Panthers as informants may have led to injury or death.” Ekwueme Michael Thelwell, the editor of Carmichael’s autobiography, wrote that the FBI leaked a false story to the Washington Post that Carmichael and his then-wife Miriam Makeba bought a $70,000 home in the nation’s capital.

Yes, the FBI is famous for such news leaks. Some of them turned out to be true. Some didn’t. But since Felt is still alive, it’s high time he leaked some information that we could use. For instance, I’ve been dying to know who the high-level FBI informant in the Nation of Islam was in the months before Malcolm X’s assassination.

“Whoever helped Woodward helped the country,” Felt said years ago after denying he was Deep Throat. Now it’s time for him to help the country some more. Felt should dime out every FBI agent and supervisor who shamelessly violated the law and human decency during the COINTELPRO nightmare.

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Democracy NOW! Radio show on COINTELPRO [external link]

Within one year of the formation of the Black Panther Party, the FBI established a special counter-intelligence program called COINTELPRO, to neutralize political dissidents. Between the years 1956 and 1971, the FBI used the COINTELPRO program to investigate "radical" national political groups for intelligence that would lead to involvement of foreign enemies with these groups. This of course meant that the FBI specifically targeted American citizens.

According to COINTELPRO documents, 5 groups were singled out for investigation - the Communist Party, the Socialist Workers' Party, White Hate Groups, Black Nationalist Hate Groups and the New Left. The Black Panther Party was specifically targeted and bore the brunt of the most damage.

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According to FBI documents, one of the purposes of the COINTELPRO program was to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of the Black nationalists". They wanted to prevent the rise of a black "messiah" and Martin Luther King Jr. had been amongst the candidates until his assassination in 1968 when the attention shifted to Huey P. Newton. Of the 295 documented actions taken by COINTELPRO to disrupt Black groups, 233 were directed against the Black Panther Party.

In his doctoral thesis, War Against The Panthers: A Study of Repression in America, Newton accuses J. Edgar Hoover and COINTELPRO of: fostering a split between Eldridge Cleaver and himself through false letters and documents; creating discord between the BPP and other Black groups such as Ron Karenga's group United Slaves [US], which led to the murders of Alprentice "Bunchy" Carter and John Huggins at the University of California; and involvement in the murder of Fred Hampton, leader of the Chicago Chapter of the Black Panther Party in 1969.

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The purpose of this new counterintelligence endeavor is to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of black nationalist, hate-type organizations and groupings, their leadership, spokesmen, membership, and supporters.
J Edgar Hoover, FBI Director, 1967
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Brothers and Sisters they aren't finished with us yet. BEWARE!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Yall think I'm stuck in the Past?

Once Shunned as Racist, Storybook Bestseller in Japan,1,4958033.story?coll=la-headlines-world&ctrack=1&cset=true

'Little Black Sambo' was pulled from stores in 1988 for its blackface- style drawings. Now, amid little protest, a reprint is a huge hit....

"Sambo" has returned to shelves with few objections in a country where blacks remain extremely rare. One complaint has been published in an English-language newspaper, written by an African American resident of Japan. An online petition against the publisher garnered 263 signatures by Saturday, most of them from non-Japanese, many from abroad....

The article spawned a letter-writing campaign in Japan from the Assn. to Stop Racism Against Blacks, which was later discovered to be essentially a one-family enterprise....

But Mori said most Japanese were surprised to learn that "Little Black Sambo" had racist overtones. "It never occurred to us," he said. "It was just a story."

Intrigued by the controversy, Mori conducted academic experiments involving readers that he said showed the Japanese take nothing racist away from reading "Little Black Sambo."

He offered a group of kindergarteners and another of senior citizens a look at two versions of the story: one with the Dobias' drawings, another with the central character drawn as a black Labrador puppy. The test groups found both illustrated versions equally amusing.

Ergo, no racism, Mori concluded.

"The Japanese people can be racist when it comes to Koreans living here — it's well known," said psychologist Mori.

"But racist against blacks? "We have no experience in dealing with black people," he continued.

"Where would we get it from?"

From practicing racists. Where else?

I know, yall couldn't see the relevance. Posted by Hello

Monday, June 13, 2005

Ole Jim Crow.....Where you been baby?

Nina Simone, our Beloved Ancestor, sang of ole jim crow. She asked "where you been baby? Round Mississippi and back again?"

Well, I aint sure where he been, but I'm sure he's back.

Jumpin' Jim Crow:Southern Politics from Civil War to Civil Rights

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White supremacy shaped all aspects of post-Civil War southern life, yet its power was never complete or total. The form of segregation and subjection nicknamed Jim Crow constantly had to remake itself over time even as white southern politicians struggled to extend its grip. Here, some of the most innovative scholars of southern history question Jim Crow's sway, evolution, and methods over the course of a century. These essays bring to life the southern men and women--some heroic and decent, others mean and sinister, most a mixture of both--who supported and challenged Jim Crow, showing that white supremacy always had to prove its power.

Jim Crow was always in motion, always adjusting to meet resistance and defiance by both African Americans and whites. Sometimes white supremacists responded with increased ferocity, sometimes with more subtle political and legal ploys. Jumpin' Jim Crow presents a clear picture of this complex negotiation. For example, even as some black and white women launched the strongest attacks on the system, other white women nurtured myths glorifying white supremacy. Even as elite whites blamed racial violence on poor whites, they used Jim Crow to dominate poor whites as well as blacks. Most important, the book portrays change over time, suggesting that Strom Thurmond is not a simple reincarnation of Ben Tillman and that Rosa Parks was not the first black woman to say no to Jim Crow.

From a study of the segregation of household consumption to a fresh look at critical elections, from an examination of an unlikely antilynching campaign to an analysis of how miscegenation laws tried to sexualize black political power, these essays about specific southern times and places exemplify the latest trends in historical research.

span >Creation of the Jim Crow South
Segregation in the South

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Jim Crow laws were laws that imposed racial segregation. They existed mainly in the South and originated from the Black Codes that were enforced from 1865 to 1866 and from prewar segregation on railroad cars in northern cities. The laws sprouted up in the late nineteenth century after Reconstruction and lasted until the 1960s.
Prior to the enactment of Jim Crow laws, African Americans enjoyed some of the rights granted during Reconstruction. Gains included the addition of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments and the Civil Rights Act of 1875. However, rights dwindled after Reconstruction ended in 1877. By 1890, whites in the North and South became less supportive of civil rights and racial tensions began to flare. Additionally, several Supreme Court decisions overturned Reconstruction legislation by promoting racial segregation.


"Jim Crow" was an antebellum character in a minstrel show. A white man (Tom "Daddy" Rice) - made up as a black man - incorporated a character called "Jim Crow" into his show in 1832. Jim Crow sang a song to this music (You will need Real Audio):

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"Weel about and turn about
And do jis so,
Eb'ry time I weel about
And jump Jim Crow."

Soon the term "Jim Crow" became a euphemism for "Negro." Soon the term "Jim Crow Laws" became a euphemism for legal segregation.

Once the slaves were free, the South had to find a way to live with them. The North had created a model. Jim Crow laws, separating blacks from whites in public facilities, were already on the books in the North. Massachusetts had passed the first known law in 1841, separating whites and blacks in railroad cars.

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Once reconstruction was complete, and the Union soldiers were gone, the South had to make a huge transition from slave to free society. Because it had been illegal for a slave to read or write before the Civil War, most slaves were illiterate. Education was sorely needed to assimilate former slaves into mainstream society. But how would that be done?

Since Congress had passed no plan to help African Americans make the transition from slavery to freedom, a societal vacuum existed. The South began to fill the vacuum with Jim Crow laws. By 1914, every southern state had its own version of how it chose to live with former slaves.
At the same time, the South struggled to make another equally problematic transition: from slave to free economy.

Since 1619, when southern colonists first used slaves, the South had a plantation (cheap labor) economy. Now southerners needed to create a completely new market economy. To put the difficulty in modern perspective, keep in mind the plantation system had been in effect longer (246 years) than America has been free from British control (approximately 225 years).

As long as Union soldiers were in the South, things were alright for blacks. But when Union troops returned home, southern states were free to develop their own laws. They promptly began to deconstruct many federally-imposed reconstruction laws. One of the first victims was the 1875 Civil Rights Act. That law, which had guaranteed equal rights to blacks in public accommodations, was replaced with laws like this:

The schools for white children and the schools for negro children shall be conducted separately. (Florida)

Books shall not be interchangeable between the white and colored schools, but shall continue to be used by the race first using them. (North Carolina)

It shall be unlawful for a white person to marry anyone except a white person. (Georgia)

The white and colored militia shall be separately enrolled, and shall never be compelled to serve in the same organization. (North Carolina)

The conductors or managers on all such railroad shall have power, and are hereby required, to assign to each white or colored passenger his or her respective car, coach or compartment. If the passenger fails to disclose his race, the conductor and managers, acting in good faith, shall be the sole judges of his race. (Virginia - did you notice the "hereby required" language?)

The officer in charge shall not bury, or allow to be buried, any colored persons upon ground set apart or used for the burial of white persons. (Georgia)

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Texas Jim Crow Laws: Texas Close
Twenty-seven Jim Crow laws were passed in the Lone Star state. The state
enacted one anti-segregation law in 1871 barring separation of the races
on public carriers. This law was repealed in 1889.
1866: Education [Constitution]
All taxes paid by blacks to go to maintaining African schools. Duty of the
legislature to "encourage colored schools."
1866: Railroads [Statute]
"All railroad companies shall attach one passenger car for the special
accommodation of freedmen."
1871: Barred segregation on public carriers [Statute]
Public carriers prohibited from making any distinctions in the carrying of
passengers. Penalty: Misdemeanor punishable by a fine from $100 to $500,
or imprisonment from 30 to 90 days, or both.
1876: Voting rights [Constitution]
Required electors to pay poll tax.
1879: Miscegenation [Statute]
Confirmed intermarriage law passed in 1858. Penalty applied equally to
both parties.
1889: Railroads [Statute]
Railroad companies required to maintain separate coaches for white and
colored passengers, equal in comfort. Penalty: Passengers refusing to sit
where assigned were guilty of a misdemeanor, and could be fined between $5
and $20.
1891: Railroads [Statute]
Separate coach laws strengthened. Separate coaches for white and Negro
passengers to be equal in all points of comfort and convenience. Designed
by signage posted in a conspicuous place in each compartment. Trains
allowed to carry chair cars or sleeping cars for the exclusive use of
either race. Law did not apply to streetcars. Penalty: Conductors who
failed to enforce law faced misdemeanor charge punishable by a fine from
$5 to $25. The railroad company could be fined from $100 to $1,000 for
each trip. Passengers who refused to sit in designated areas faced fines
from $5 to $25.
1907: Streetcars [Statute]
Required all streetcars to comply with the separate coach law passed in
1889. Penalty: Streetcar companies could be fined from $100 to $1,000 for
failing to enact law.
A passenger wrongfully riding in an improper coach
was guilty of a misdemeanor, and faced fines from $5 to $25.
1909: Railroads [Statute]
Depot buildings required to provide separate waiting areas for the use of
white and Negro passengers.
1914: Railroads [Statute]
Negro porters shall not sleep in sleeping car berths nor use bedding
intended for white passengers.
1915: Miscegenation [State Code]
The penalty for intermarriage is imprisonment in the penitentiary from two
to five years.
1919: Public accommodations [Statute]
Ordered that Negroes were to use separate branches of county free
1922: Voting Rights [Statute]
"…in no event shall a Negro be eligible to participate in a Democratic
party primary election held in the State of Texas…" Overturned in 1927 by
U.S. Supreme Court in Nixon v. Herndon.
1925: Education [Statute]
Required racially segregated schools.
1925: Public accommodations [Statute]
Separate branches for Negroes to be administered by a Negro custodian in
all county libraries.
1925: Miscegenation [Penal Code]
Miscegenation declared a felony.Nullified interracial marriages if parties
went to another jurisdiction where such marriages were legal.
1926: Public carriers [Statute]
Public carriers to be segregated.
1935: Health Care [Statute]
Established a state tuberculosis sanitarium for blacks.
1935: Public carriers [State Code]
Directed that separate coaches for whites and blacks on all common
1943: Public carriers [State Code]
Ordered separate seating on all buses.
1949: Employment [Statute]
Coal mines required to have separate washrooms.
1950: Public accommodations [Statute]
Separate facilities required for white and black citizens in state parks
1951: Voting rights [Constitution]
Required electors to pay poll tax.
1951: Miscegenation [Statute]
Unlawful for person of Caucasian blood to marry person of African blood.
Penalty:Two to five years imprisonment.
1952: Health Care [Statute]
Establishment of TB hospitals for blacks.
1953: Public carriers [Penal Code]
Public carriers to be segregated.
1956: Public accommodations [Municipal Ordinance]
Abolished previously required segregation in the city of San Antonio's
swimming pools and other recreational facilities.
1958: Education [Statute]
No child compelled to attend schools that are racially mixed. No
desegregation unless approved by election. Governor may close schools
where troops used on federal authority.
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Mississippi Jim Crow Laws:
Mississippi Close Enacted 22 Jim Crow statutes, and a law restricting voting rights between
1865 and 1956. Six miscegenation laws were enacted, four school and three
railroad segregation acts were passed. Three segregation laws were passed
after the 1954 Brown decision. The sentence for violating the state's 1865
miscegenation law was life imprisonment. In later years, the miscegenation
laws became more complex. In 1880, those persons with one quarter or more
Negro blood were considered "colored." By 1890 the law had become more
stringent, marking those with one-eighth or more Negro blood as non-white.
In 1906, the miscegenation law was amended to include not only blacks but
Asians as well in the list of unacceptable mates for Caucasians. During
the Reconstruction era, Mississippi passed five civil rights laws,
permitting miscegenation, protecting voting rights and barring public
carrier and school segregation.
1865: Miscegenation [Statute]
Declared a felony for any freedman, free Negro, or mulatto to intermarry
with any white person. Penalty: Imprisonment in state penitentiary for
1865: Railroad [Statute]
Unlawful for any freedman, Negro, or mulatto to ride in any first-class
passenger cars used by white persons. Penalty: Misdemeanor punished by a
fine between $50 to $500; and imprisonment in county jail until fine and
costs of prosecution are paid. Half of the fines to be paid to the
informer, the other half to the county treasury where offense was
1867: Barred court testimony discrimination [Statute]
Negroes given the right to testify on the same terms as white persons.
1867: Jury selection [Statute]
Negroes declared incompetent to serve as jurors.
1868: Voting rights protected [Constitution]
Removed the limitation of suffrage to white persons only.
1868: Barred public carrier segregation [Constitution]
All citizens had the right to travel on all public transportation.
1871: Barred anti-miscegenation [State Code]
Omitted miscegenation or intermarriage statute.
1871: Barred school segregation [State Code]
All children from five to twenty-one years of age shall have in all
respects equal advantages in public schools.
1872: Barred prison segregation [Statute]
No distinction on account of race or color or previous condition in
working convicts.
1873: Barred public accommodations segregation [Statute]
1878: Education [Statute]
Prohibited teaching white and black children in the same school.
1880: Miscegenation [State Code]
Revised state code to declare marriage between white persons and Negroes
or mulattoes or persons of one-quarter or more Negro blood as "incestuous
and void." Penalty: Fine up to $500, or imprisonment in the penitentiary
up to ten years, or both.
1888: Railroad [Statute]
New depot buildings were to provide separate rooms for the sexes and the
races if deemed proper by the board. Equal but separate accommodations to
be provided for white and colored passengers. Penalty: Misdemeanor for
railroad companies failing to comply, with a fine up to $500. Conductors
who failed to enforce the law could be fined from $25 to $50 for each
1890: Miscegenation [Constitution]
Prohibited marriage of a white person with a Negro or mulatto or person
who has one-eighth or more of Negro blood.
1890: Education [Constitution]
Separate schools to be maintained for white and black children.
1896: Education [Statute]
Separate districts established for the schools of white and black
1904: Streetcars [Statute]
Streetcars were to provide equal but separate accommodations for white and
colored passengers. Penalties: Passengers could be fined $25 or confined
up to 30 days in county jail. Employees liable for a fine of $25 or
confinement up to 30 days in jail. A streetcar company could be charged
with a misdemeanor for failing to carry out law and be fined $100 and face
imprisonment between 60 days and six months.
1906: Railroads [Statute]
Railroad commission to provide separate waiting rooms for white and black
passengers. Separate restrooms were to be provided also.
1906: Miscegenation [Statute]
Prohibited marriage between a white person with a Negro or mulatto or a
person with one-eighth or more Negro blood, or with an Asian or person
with one-eighth or more "Mongolian" blood.
1920: Miscegenation [Statute]
Persons or corporations who printed, published or circulated written
material promoting the acceptance of intermarriage between whites and
Negroes would be guilty of a misdemeanor. Penalty: Fine up to $500 or
imprisonment up to six months, or both.
1930: Education [State Code]
Required schools to be racially segregated, and the creation of separate
districts to provide school facilities for the greatest number of pupils
of both races. In addition, authorized the establishment of separate
schools for Native Americans.
1930: Miscegenation [State Code]
Miscegenation declared a felony. Nullified interracial marriages if
parties went to another jurisdiction where such marriages were legal. Also
prohibited marriages between persons of the Caucasian race and those
persons who had one eighth of more Asian blood.
1942: Voting rights [Constitution]
Instituted poll tax requirement.
1942: Miscegenation [State Code]
Marriage between white and Negro or Asian void. Penalty: $500 and/or up to
ten years imprisonment. Anyone advocating intermarriage subject to fine of
$500 and/or six months.
1942: Health Care [State Code ]
Segregated facilities at state charity hospital and separate entrances at
all state hospitals.
1956: Education [State Code & Constitution]
Separate schools to be maintained. All state executive officers required
to prevent implementation of school segregation decision by "lawful
means." Governor may close any school if he determines closure to be in
best interest of majority of children.
1956: Public carriers [State Code]
Public carriers to be segregated.
1956: Public accommodation [Statute]
Firms and corporations authorized to choose their clientele and the right
to refuse service to any person.
1958: Recreation [Statute]
Authorized goveronr to close parks to prevent desegregation.

The unmistakable point of these laws was to continue to control people who were no longer slaves as the South moved forward after the war
By 1914, every southern state had "Jim Crow" laws. Many of the first laws focused on separate railroad cars. Blacks were not allowed to sit in "white" railroad cars. Even in Philadelphia, William Penn's northern "city of brotherly love," such laws were passed. But that isn't the worst of it. Passing laws is one thing; upholding them is something else. What is most troubling is the highest court in the country - the United States Supreme Court - upheld those bad laws.

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In the worst travesty of all, the Supreme Court of the United States (with Justice Harlan as the lone dissenter and Justice Brewer not participating) did not overturn Jim Crow laws. The high court gave its tacit blessing to separate but equal laws in Plessy v Ferguson. How is this for a holding?

...We consider the underlying fallacy of the plaintiff's [Plessy's] argument to consist in the assumption that the enforced separation of the two races stamps the colored race with a badge of inferiority. If this be so, it is not by reason of any-thing found in the act, but solely because the colored race chooses to put that construction upon it.

One can only ask, "Really? What other construction could possibly apply?"

Here's what Justice Harlan thought about it. His dissent accurately described the pernicious nature of the Court's decision:

The thin disguise of "equal" accommodations for passengers in railroad coaches will not mislead anyone, nor atone for the wrong this day done.

Is it a surprise to anyone that Supreme Court decisions, after Reconstruction, moved from affirming laws that allowed segregation to approving laws that required it?

As the Supreme Court helped to create America's apartheid, the executive and legislative branches of the federal government did nothing to stop it. Is it any wonder the state law of Mississippi eventually prohibited any person from promoting the concept of equality?

Any person...urging or presenting for public acceptance or general information...arguments or suggestions in favor of social equality...shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to fine...or imprisonment...or both.

Americans still struggle with the concept that race laws restricting the lives and livelihood of people could have been passed in the "land of the free and the home of the brave". Citizens who endured those laws still remember the humiliation. It was bad enough the laws were passed in the first place. It is nearly incomprehensible that the Supreme Court of the United States upheld them for so many years.

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Jump Jim Crow (Part 1 of 2)Out of the segregated South: oral histories from the Great Migration

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Around 1830 in Cincinnati, Dan Rice, a white minstrel who performed in blackface, came upon a small, ragged Black child singing "Jump Jim Crow." He added the song to his repertoire, and it became a popular part of his performance. Six decades later, the term "Jim Crow" was adopted as a name for the legal segregation of whites and Blacks in the American South.
This is the story of members of the Rochester community -- Black and white -- who grew up in the Jim Crow South. They were part of the Great Migration North that came in several waves during the first half of the 20th century.
Experiencing Jim Crow
Background and PedagogyFor an introductory course in African and African American Studies, the instructor wanted to develop a scenario-driven exercise to explore the effects of segregation laws that restricted the activities of African Americans during the Jim Crow era. The exercises present students with a set of information, drawn from source materials, and then present scenarios in which the student makes a decision. Students learn how each decision would have affected their experience during this era.

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Styling Jim Crow
African American Beauty Trainingduring Segregation

I suggest they not only learned a trade but a tradition.......

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In Styling Jim Crow, Julia Kirk Blackwelder traces the evolution of African-American hairstyling techniques, beginning with methods of hair wrapping and braiding that traveled west on slave vessels and were then passed on from mothers to daughters. Throughout the antebellum years, African-American women experimented with recipes for hair care, looking for ways to stimulate hair growth, cure scalp ailments, or tame curly hair. While hair care began as something women did among themselves, it gradually developed into a home industry that operated outside the white-dominated beauty industry. Pioneers like Annie Turnbo Malone and Sarah Breedlove Walker (Madame C. J. Walker) manufactured their own hair care products and built pyramid sales organizations in which representatives were trained to sell products door to door within the black community
By the 1920s, the black beauty industry had entered its "golden age" as a leading sector of African-American business. Beauty salons sprung up in black communities and institutions for educating beauticians who could meet the hair-grooming needs of women of color emerged. In the era of racial segregation, says Blackwelder, hair styling provided one of the only occupations for African-American women outside "field, factory, and kitchen."

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Three women on the way to their cosmetology licensing examina-tion, Austin, Texas, 1940. From Styling Jim Crow

....and we wonder where our 'standards of beauty' come from.......It's no wonder to me.

I began this look into the images of Afrikans that began during the jim crow era to get an idea of where our current self-images and subsequent self-destructive behaviors come from.......the journey took me farther than I'd intended to go........I'm glad it did......I will continue the journey and share with you what I find along the way.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Another Dayum Apology?

AMERICAN INDIANS: Apology, and much needed assistance, in order

June 6, 2005

The atrocities inflicted on the indigenous people living in this land when European settlers arrived are well known. Finally, Congress is considering bills to create an official national apology to Native Americans.

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image hosting by American Indian Movement (AIM) Conference
February 2002, Malibu, California

It will take more than an apology to assist them, especially those on reservations in impoverished conditions. Heartfelt repentance should be combined with increased funding for Native American programs.

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While gambling casinos have brought a measure of prosperity to some tribes, Native Americans as a whole have long ranked at or near the bottom of nearly every social, health and economic indicator, according to U.S. Census data. They are more likely than whites to die from a host of illnesses and they have the highest prevalence of Type 2 diabetes in the world. About 30% of the 538,300 Native Americans on reservations live in poverty.

But being sorry isn't enough. If the government cares about the citizens that predated this country's creation, it must address the conditions in which too many of them now live.

Read for yourself of the atrocities committed against the indigenous people of these united snakes and tell me if you think an apology is sufficient.

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American Indian Movement

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The American Indian Movement (AIM), is a Native American civil rights group in the United States that burst on the national scene with its seizure of Alcatraz Island in 1968, the BIA headquarters in Washington, D.C., in 1972 and the 1973 standoff at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. AIM was cofounded by Dennis Banks, Herb Powless, Clyde Bellecourt, Eddie Benton Banai, and many others in 1968. Russell Means would later become its most famous spokesperson.

In the decades since AIM's founding, the group has led protests advocating Native American interests, inspired cultural renewal, monitored police activities and coordinated employment programs in cities and in rural reservation communities across the United States. AIM often has supported other native interests outside the United States, as well.

American Indian Movement of Colorado

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The Life and Times of Dennis Banks

He was once called one of the most dangerous men in America; today he's called upon by politicians, industrialists and artists from around the globe. The same government that once vowed to hunt him down now routinely seeks him out for advice. Has Dennis Banks, cofounder of the American Indian Movement, changed -- or has the rest of the world simply caught up to him?

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Banks was born on the Leech Lake reservation in northern Minnesota 68 years ago. At age five Nowa Cumig (Banks' Ojibwe name) was removed to a boarding school, where he was beaten and humiliated whenever he was caught speaking the language or practicing the religious customs of his people. He eventually drifted to Minneapolis, where drink, despair and crime landed him in the state prison system. While there he met other native people who'd undergone similar trials, and from these meetings the American Indian Movement (AIM) was born.

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Letters from Leonard Peltier--
Reminder of genocide against Native Americans
By Saeed ShabazzStaff WriterUpdated Dec 22, 2003, 03:54 pm

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NEW YORK ( - The United Nations defines genocide, under principles of the convention on Human Rights, as: "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group through five types of criminal actions, such as killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction, in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

In two recent letters, Native American activist Leonard Peltier, 58, reminded those who received them that the 500-year genocide against his people continues.

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A striking and moving cartoon about prisoner Leonard Peltier.

An Apology ????