Thursday, July 14, 2005

She's The Real Hot Ghetto Mess.

Remember this Face

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Jam Donaldson is her slave name.

What gave this woman the idea that it was her responsibility to degrade the black community into 'correct behavior'? When did she get the idea that her black ass was better than any other black ass under a system of racism? For the record she is more of an embarrasment to me than any image she hosts on her website.

I wonder what some of her 'inappropriate behaviors' have been; other than the blatant disrespect she's shown to all of us. From her appearance I suspect she was rocked on a white lap or two. Maybe, maybe not. I would love to have a word with the skeletons lurking in her family's closets

Will her way of chastizement; quite similar to Bill's, be our path to redemption?
I doubt it.

I've learned that you can't shame a person or group of people into conformity.
But then again, I don't believe conformity is her goal. I suspect she is seeking self grandizment and notoriety.

Oh yeah, and money.....she SELLS our social ills for money. So does she want the madness to cease? Or would she be happy as long as she has Fodder for Sale?

In all fairness, maybe I missed the part of the site that spoke of strategies for improving our collective condition. I urge you to look for yourself and tell me if you indeed find the part where she shows us enough love to offer solutions. Or whether you come to the same conclusion I did.

That she's nothing more than an uppity negro attempting to exploit us like so many others have done.........including her mentor Bill and his 'Dumb Ass Donald' routines.

The Hot Ghetto Mess is her and her mindset.

Do us a favor and get a real gotdayum job.


Anonymous said...

I am not like "them" I am different!! ...**sigh** The lengths some go to make that statement, very interesting...

Shock would imply a miscalculation on my part, I do not think our skin color is what links black folk.

It was the racist/whites supreme-psychopaths that forced people based on "African" roots together ,nothing more. The one drop rule so forth . Behold "them" They are trying desperately to escape, to be something other than a ni**er , so be it ...

I do not expect this "type" to deal with "context" nor the war on Africans world wide. They are the most loyal "type" of Americans. God knows this is no my appeal to the "blackness" in this "type", as if I could gain secrete entry into her heart because white people grouped us all, nope!

What can I offer to people like me who visit & wonder why and why again... I can only offer a look into "cause ", what creates a personality like this. Black people are "in general" nature beyond fair. Even if does not look at "context" in they're critique of black negative behaviors , still I will make an attempt here. ;)

1.I love black people
2. White people were nicer than blacks to me in school .
3.I was called names for speaking english correctly , again by my own people!
4 I am a individual ,heres how...
5. Self hate
6. white sex
7. Revenge
8. Revenge !
9. Revenge
10. Helping white people
11. Euro/Afro Christian ethics
12. Tough Love
13. Just taking part in the American past time.

I know its not about race its about class... **sigh**

Born Understanding said...

great work QMRBW, as always