Sunday, May 15, 2005

Wrap Yourself in the Comfort of Resistance

Resistance... like a warm blanket in winter. AYA, the symbol of endurance, independence, defiance against difficulties, hardiness, perserverance and resourcefulness. The symbol is the depiction of a fern. A fern is a plant that grows in and around unusual and unfavorable terrain, much like the Afrikan born and bred in amerika. The Akan liken people who flourish and survive to the properties of this plant. An individual who adorns this Adinkra symbol suggests that they have endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty. According to the Akan, although the community and nation are stressed, the individual and the traits a person exhibits are the basis of their manhood or womanhood, their hue-manity. Correct and Positve characteristics are seen as basic components to the relative prosperity and continuation of the people as a whole.
Posted by Hello

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